Trainer filtern
Nikita Malyshev
  • 7 years of Hearthstone experience
  • Highest rank is #1 Legend
  • Guaranteed improvement
25 $/hr
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Mister Windrunner
  • Get the elo of your dreams.
  • Hearthstone Booster Since 5 years.
  • Multi-legend on both ladders.
15 $/hr
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Jacob Person
Step Rush
  • 8 years of experience in TCGs / CCGs
  • Guaranteed improvement
  • 5 years of coaching experience
20 $/hr
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Jack B
  • 5 years Hearthstone experience
  • Have been legend with every class
  • Ranking fast and efficiently
13 $/hr
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Marko G.
  • Easier climbing on the ladder (Any mode)
  • Higher Battlegrounds rating
  • Consistant Arena and other runs
23 $/hr
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Daniel McCoy
  • Guaranteed ranked improvement
  • You will better understand winconditions
  • Standard and Wild legend player
18 $/hr
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Isaiah Gray
  • Personalized Self-Improvement Plans
  • Get to Legend and thrive there
  • Deckbuilding and Meta Analysis
15 $/hr
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